World Travel Inc. Sells To Its Employees

World Travel Inc. established an employee stock ownership paln. A message sent Thursday to customers from chairman James Wells credited World Travel's employees for the company's growth into "one of the top travel management companies in the world without aquisitions."

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Studio Elias
Democratize the Enterprise Announces Support for Promoting Employee-Owned Businesses Act

New York State has passed the Promoting Employee-Owned Businesses Act (PEOBA) that creates an advisory panel to consider how the State should support employee ownership in the future. This bill is a significant step forward in the employee ownership movement, creating policy in New York that helps transition existing, healthy businesses to employee ownership. Our efforts to support employee ownership not only furthers the cause of workers' rights and economic democracy, but also helps retiring business owners, local communities and the state's bottom line. Democratize the Enterprise is very proud and excited to see this legislation move forward.

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Studio Elias